Hi, I’m Elina

Certified Business & Money Coach®


My spiritual awakening catapulted me to change

Throughout my life, I had lived in a feast-to-famine cycle. My childhood experiences had conditioned me to adopt scarcity consciousness and in my early years I was constantly focusing on lack. It has always been easy for me to manifest things I wanted, but my limiting beliefs and patterns kept many opportunities out of reach. I watched a documentary called The Secret in December 2011, which caused the veil of illusion to drop and changed my life forever.

I started working on removing my lack consciousness

Due to my spiritual awakening, I started working on my money mindset and mastered the art of conscious manifestation. Upon learning about gratitude practices, my life was dramatically changed, and I was able to manifest, for example, my dream apartment. In spite of this, my money relationship had not changed, and I continue to operate from the same unhealthy money beliefs, patterns, and behaviours I learned as a child.

I left my corporate job due to burnout

It has always been my dream to be an entrepreneur, and at university, I majored in Entrepreneurship. Despite this, I ended up working for one of the world’s biggest IT companies. I enjoyed it at first, but the majority of my enjoyment came from receiving a monthly paycheck. Although the company itself was great, the work itself wasn’t. It was then that I began to think about what I really wanted to do in life. Eventually, after experiencing burnout, I knew that I had to leave the corporate world. I studied interior designing, which was one of my interests, but soon realised that it wasn’t something I wanted to pursue professionally.

I took a leap of faith and decided to follow my dream

As the Universe kept sending me signs about coaching, I hesitated to step into that oversaturated market (due to my limiting beliefs). Back then, I thought that competition was real, and there cannot be enough clients and business for everyone (how wrong was I). During my interior design studies, I finally admitted to myself that I wanted to help people, and I took the leap of faith into the world of coaching. I got my business coaching certification and soon after team and group coaching diploma.

I made all the mistakes a person can make (and learned from them)

In spite of my spiritual awakening and my ability to manifest almost anything I desired, I still had a complicated relationship with money, which I had not yet resolved. When it comes to business, money, and finances, I have made most of the mistakes a person can make.

I was working for money (like a slave), not the other way around

I was operating from a lack consciousness

I didn’t buy my first (small) apartment because I wanted a castle right away

I was “a spender” and bought status items (that I could not afford)

I was addicted to loans and accumulated debt

Saving money wasn’t a priority for me

I didn’t understand the importance of budgeting – neither in my personal nor professional life

I wasn’t investing

I was also suffering from an impostor syndrome

My limiting beliefs regarding money, my worth, my skills, and my expertise were so prevalent when I started my business. Despite holding a business degree and being certified in the field, I began my career by offering free coaching. I did this because I believed that I was not good enough, I suffered from impostor syndrome, and I was confident that any amount I was charging was incorrect. Which wasn’t even much!

However, at the same time, I was working as a freelancer for another consulting company and coaching their clients without feeling that I was somehow fooling them by charging what I was worth. So what was the difference? Why was I unable to charge anything through my own business, but I felt comfortable freelancing?

It was because I didn’t think I (nor my business) was worthy enough, I was suffering from perfectionism and had so many blocks that kept me far away from my dreams. I was hiding and kept focusing on backend operations and background work, such as tweaking my website and changing my branding colors. At the same time, I saw others succeeding in their business due to two factors.

They were visible – both online and offline but especially online. They were also unapologetically themselves – they believed in the quality of their services and in the benefits they were providing for their clients.

I learned about my ”life purpose”

I decided to fulfill one of my long-overdue dreams during the pandemic – an ayahuasca ceremony. It is important to set an intention before the ceremony, and my objective was to discover my next steps in business and what my true purpose in life is. During the ayahuasca ceremony, mother earth presented me with three lessons that I needed to learn, but she withheld the information about my next steps in business.

Despite the fact that the ceremony was absolutely magical, I was a bit disappointed that I did not receive an answer regarding my business. After the retreat, I began to work hard on these life lessons, and two months after the ceremony, I received the answer I was looking for. To my surprise (even though I had seen the signs long before, but decided to ignore them) I was supposed to become a money coach so that I would be able to help people revolutionise and heal their money relationships.

I realised that there was one more change to be made

Even though I was a powerful manifestor (I even wrote an eBook on how to become one), I recognised that there was still some healing to be done. It was through my money certification course that I came to understand that you need more than just spiritual practices to alter your money relationship and create wealth. Any limiting beliefs, behaviors, patterns, or habits regarding money and finances will prevent people from reaching their highest financial potential (both in their business and in life).

Therefore, I knew that there was still work to be done. As a result, I began developing a positive and healthy relationship with money; I released my last limiting beliefs about money, my worth and value, developed smart spending habits, and learned how to budget and save money. I have also stopped resenting the wealth that has come into my life because I now truly understand that there is nothing wrong with money.

Now you will find me

Absolutely buzzing about my business. For the first time after becoming an entrepreneur I am actually excited to share my message, and provide coaching to entrepreneurs, experts, and changemakers – helping them to revolutionise their money relationship, business, and mindset as well as manifest their dreams and goals.

I know I deserve money and success. There is nothing wrong with them (even if you are spiritual).

I am no longer hiding myself. I love doing TikTok and YouTube videos and Reels.

I feel confident. I can show my expertise.

I was able to get rid of the blocks, such as fear, impostor syndrome, perfectionism and lack of self-worth.

I truly believe

I still see the same ongoing problem – (female) entrepreneurs and experts are struggling with their business, their prices, and their worth and value. They are often undercharging and underearning. However, it is possible to lead a fulfilling life and run a successful business if you are willing to change your relationship with money. As a result, you will be able to attract more clients, business, and opportunities. It is inevitable that challenges will arise, as well as limiting beliefs that will try to impede your progress.

You have the power to change your circumstances for the better.

You have the ability to make a profound impact on your world and those around you.

You are worthy of money, and can most definitely create wealth through your business.

childhood and success


  • Certified Money Coach (CMC)® – The Money Coaching Insitute
  • Certified Business Coach® – Business Coaching Institute

  • Group and team coaching Diploma – Business Coaching Institute

  • Master’s in Business Administration – Leading transformational change 

  • Bachelor’s in Business Administration – Entrepreneurship

  • Mindset coaching

  • Business Consulting, Mentoring

  • Intuitive guidance