Is Your Money Type Sabotaging Your Business Success?
Eight basic archetypes or patterns, discovered by Deborah L. Price, describe how people react to and handle money. By understanding your types, you will discover the reasons behind the issues you have with money and how they affect your business success. Many people create extensive financial plans, but continue to make the same mistakes or fail to implement their plan. Those who are willing to explore their inner relationship with money are much more likely to reach their financial goals. They have an easier time making financial decisions and are more successful at manifesting money and realising their dreams. Clearly, there is a direct connection between having a healthier, more conscious relationship with money and creating prosperity.
Most people fall into one or more of the eight money types. Much like Jungian archetypes or the Enneagram, which define different personality types, this system offers a simple way to identify and evaluate your relationship with money. With this understanding, you will learn how to make conscious choices, and, as a result, the money dynamic in your daily life will improve. By understanding your unconscious feelings and beliefs about money, you will be more conscious of your habitual money behaviours and better prepared to change them when they occur.
1. The Money Type: Innocent
Characteristics of the Innocent Type: ● Trusting ● Happy-go-lucky (externally) ● Fearful or anxious (internally) ● Indecisive ● Security seeking ● Financially dependent ● Repressive of feelings and beliefs ● Non-confrontational Innocents usually respond in the following ways around money: ● Seek security ● Feel powerless ● Repress feelings and beliefs
The Innocent takes the ostrich approach to money matters. Innocents often live in denial, burying their heads in the sand so they won’t have to see what is going on around them. The Innocent is easily overwhelmed by financial information and relies heavily on the advice and opinions of others. Innocents are perhaps the most trusting of all the money types because they do not see people or situations for what they are. They are like children in the sense that they have not yet learned to judge or discern other people’s motives or behaviour.
While this trait can be very endearing, it is also precarious for an adult trying to cope in the real world. We all start out our journey in life as Innocents; however, as we grow and develop, most of us shed the veil of innocence and replace it with our experience in the real world. The Innocent’s goal is safety at all costs. The primary fear is of abandonment.
The reason that so many women are Innocents is most likely because women are encouraged by our culture to be unassertive and trusting. The Innocent is often romantically paired with Tyrant or Warrior money types, who both thrive on rescuing the Innocent.
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2. The Money Type: Victim
Characteristics of the Victim Type: ● Prone to blaming others ● Highly emotional (melancholy or angry) ● Living in the past ● Financially irresponsible ● Seeking to be rescued ● Feeling powerless ● Resentful ● Unforgiving ● Living out a self-fulfilling prophecy ● Addictive
Victim money types are prone to living in the past and blaming their financial woes on external factors. Passive aggressive in nature, Victims often appear to be Innocents, because they seem so powerless and appear to want others to take care of them. However, this appearance is often either a conscious or subconscious ploy to get others to do for them what they refuse to do for themselves. Victims generally have a litany of excuses for why they are not more successful, and the excuses are all based on their historical mythology. That is not to say that bad things haven’t actually happened to Victims.
More often than not, Victims have been abused, betrayed, or have suffered some great loss. The problem is that they have never processed their pain, and so it has turned on them. Victims are always looking for someone to rescue them, because they believe they have suffered enough. For the Victim’s paradigm to shift, he or she must learn to understand and heal their past wounds. Of all the money types, Victims are the most resistant to unlocking the door to their potential. As a result, they form a lifetime attachment to living out the drama of their pasts. After all, when you are the star, producer, and director of your own lifelong soap opera, it can become pretty hard to let go of those roles.
Victim’s primary fear and transformation
The Victim’s primary fear is of being betrayed. Ironically, what Victims do not see is that they are most often betrayed by themselves. Transformation for Victims comes when they are able to see how their past experience can be a powerful tool and catalyst for change; they must learn to understand and heal from their past wounds. Moving out of past-based drama is a deeply profound experience for Victims. Because Victims have generally truly suffered, when they become enlightened, they bring forth a great capacity for compassion, love, and understanding – qualities essential in the making of all great money Magicians.
Discover You Money Archetypes here.
3. The Money Type: Creator/Artist
Characteristics of the Creator/Artist Type: ● Highly artistic and/or spiritual ● Passive ● Internally motivated ● Detached ● Non-materialistic ● Often loners ● Seekers of truth
Usually on a spiritual or artistic path. They often find living in the material world difficult and frequently have a conflicted love/hate relationship with money. They love money for the freedom it buys them but have little or no desire to participate in the material world. The tension between spiritual and material worlds – needs to integrate the two.
The Creator/Artist often overly identifies with the interior world and may even despise those who live in the material world. Their negative beliefs about materialism only create a block to the very key to the freedom they so desire. Creator/artists most fear being inauthentic or not being true to themselves. Since it is almost impossible to attract what we are repelled by, the Creator/Artist constantly struggles to survive financially.
This is not because they lack talent or ambition. Instead, they are stuck in a belief system that disempowers their ability to manifest money. Too many people on the creative or artistic path feel that money is bad or lacking in spirituality. This is only true to the extent that one believes it to be true. And to the extent that Creator/Artists maintain this belief system, they are limiting themselves and creating a block to the flow of money.
The Creators/Artists who work to integrate the spiritual with the material world will end their struggles. Since they have often paid much attention to their inner journeys and creative potential, Creators/Artists already possess many of the qualities necessary to become Magicians. This type must accept the world she lives in and embrace it in all its many dimensions. To stop suffering from the tension they feel between the spiritual and material worlds, they must learn to embrace both worlds as part of their own duality.
Discover Your Money Archetypes here.
4. The Money Type: Magician
Characteristics of the Magician Type: ● Spiritual ● Wise ● Conscious ● Vibrant ● Trusting ● Generous ● Loving ● Powerful ● Optimistic ● Fluid ● Confident ● Compassionate ● Detached ● Open to flow
The Magician is the ideal money type. Using a new and ever-changing set of dynamics both in the material and spirit worlds, Magicians know how to transform and manifest their own financial reality. At our best, when we are willing to claim our own power, we are all Magicians. The archetype that is active in your life now is a starting point for personal transformation. By understanding your own money mythology and the personal history behind your current money type, you will become conscious of patterns and behaviors that are preventing you from being a money Magician. As this new consciousness grows, you will begin to experience money matters in a new way – the way of the money Magician.
The Magician is fully awake and aware of herself and the world around her. The Magician is armed with knowledge of the past, has made peace with his personal history, and understands that his power exists in his ability to see and live the truth of who he is. Magicians know their ability to manifest lies with their Higher Power. With faith, love, and patience, the Magician simply waits in certainty with the knowledge that all our needs are met all the time. Magicians embrace the inner life as the place of spiritual wealth and the outer life as the expression of enlightenment in the material world. They are infinitely connected.
Financially balanced Magicians usually act in the following ways: ● Lives in the present ● Tells the truth ● Transforms reality
It takes time and patience to learn to become a money Warrior and Magician. By discovering and evaluating your particular money types, you can begin a different kind of financial education, one that is specific to you. Money coaching provides the framework to explore your personal money behaviour in the context of your unique background, beliefs, and experience. Doing this work will prepare you to realise your long-term goals. Discover Your Money Archetypes here.